Sangha Unity Network

Learning journey
Re-imagining waiver supports
Sangha Unity Network, Inc. (SUN), with funding from The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, launched a Learning Journey led by Michelle Schwartz, M.Ed. CCC-Sp, and Katie Chandler, LCSW. This Learning Journey is designed for DBHDD provider agencies who seek to further commit to a foundation of supporting self-advocates and person-centered practices. It is a 6-month commitment that offers an opportunity for personal growth for each individual participant and collective discovery for provider organizations.
Power of communication
This interactive workshop can be designed for one-day or two-day participation either in-person or virtually. Participants will come away with a better understanding of the function and uses of communication and how we think about the power of communication in our everyday life. The skill sets learned in this workshop will support the goals and expectations of DBHDD and the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule community-based system of care by supporting people to live and work as independently as possible in the least restrictive inclusive setting as possible.

Power of people
This interactive workshop can be designed for one-day or two-day participation either in-person or virtually. Participants will come away with a better understanding of what it means to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to be heard, respected, and valued members and citizens of their communities. The skill sets learned in this workshop will support the goals and expectations of DBHDD and the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule community-based system of care by supporting people to live and work as independently as possible in the least restrictive inclusive setting as possible.
Graphic facilitation
Graphic Facilitation is a practice that enhances what is being said and heard in any given conversation or event. This interactive workshop can be designed for one-day or two-day participation either in-person or virtually. The process brings ideas to life and can help add structure to the dialogue. With graphic facilitation you will have a visual record of conversations that is useful in bringing change forward, whether around goal-setting or strategic planning. You might consider graphic facilitation as visual storytelling in real time. We will work with your organization to determine your needs.

rise up, speak out
This workshop was created by the Uniting for Change Leadership Collective to teach and welcome self-advocates from all over Georgia. The hope of Uniting for Change is that participating in this workshop will be an opportunity for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to learn, connect with one another and become more comfortable speaking up as an advocate to let people know their hopes and dreams and how they would like to be supported. The skill sets learned in this workshop, both by self advocates and their allies and supporters, will assist in moving forward with the goals and expectations of DBHDD and the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule community-based system of care.
growing community
building a bigger we
This workshop was created by the Uniting for Change Leadership Collective to teach and welcome self-advocates from all over Georgia. The hope of Uniting for Change is that participating in this workshop will be an opportunity for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to learn, connect with one another and become more comfortable speaking up as an advocate to let people know their hopes and dreams and how they would like to be supported. The skill sets learned in this workshop, both by self advocates and their allies and supporters, will assist in moving forward with the goals and expectations of DBHDD and the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule community-based system of care.

Organizational shift The power of resilience & leadership
This interactive gathering can be designed for a one or two-day in-person retreat. This retreat will be co-designed with you (leadership from the organization) to support and create a culture that aligns with your organization's mission, vision, and values. We believe that organizations are not a structure - rather a living community where all staff members are living assets. We believe that values and cultures are important, especially during this time of change. We believe the pandemic greatly impacted organizations and will help identify what is needed to adapt and respond to a new organizational culture and structure valuing flexibility and compassionate leadership.
What more is possible
The foundation & Values of person centered practices
This interactive workshop can be designed for one-day or two-day participation either in-person or virtually. Participants will come away with a better understanding how to use person centered practices for supporting people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. This framework is focused on understanding and believing people have a right to choose, contribute, and develop a variety of valued social roles while actively participating in their community. Participants will come away knowing that these practices are fluid and are more than a once a year plan or form completed prior to any annual planning meeting.