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Uniting for Change

Uniting for Change is the statewide, grassroots network of self-advocates, allies and supporters in Georgia. SUN helps support Uniting for Change to provide information and resources to folks across the state about self-advocacy, self-determination, legislative advocacy, voting and much more. 

U4C Self-Advocacy Handbook

This handbook, developed with the self-advocacy Leadership Collective from Uniting for Change, can be used as a teaching tool for those interested in expanding the grassroots self-advocacy network across the State of Georgia.

Tips for Supporting Self-Advocacy

This guide was developed for family members and allies and supporters about how to support the self-advocacy movement in Georgia.

5 Accomplishments Handout

This handout, based on the Five Valued Accomplishments & Experiences by John and Connie O'Brien was developed to help self-advocates think about what more is possible for their lives to truly belong in their communities.

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International leader in disability advocacy working to advance inclusive communities through advocacy, research, professional development, policy and information and resources for parents, families and self-advocates.


Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC) strengthens the self-advocacy movement by supporting self advocacy organizations to grow in diversity and leadership.

Supported Decision Making

Supported Decision Making (SDM)- an alternative to guardianship - recognizes that every person has the capacity to make their own decisions - even if they need a little extra support. SDM creates opportunities for people with disabilities to make their own decisions about their life with support from people they trust. Download our SDM fact sheet to learn about Supported Decision Making basics. 

I decide georgia

I DECIDE Georgia is a coalition of advocates, organizations, and allies who believe in the dignity of every person. I DECIDE Georgia exists so that all Georgians, including people with disabilities, can make decisions, supported by people they trust, in order to live a life of dignity and autonomy. Visit the I Decide Georgia website for helpful resources, tools, guides, and other information about Supported Decision Making.

Agency Resources

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD)

200 Piedmont Avenue, S.E.
West Tower, 14th Floor

Phone: (404) 657-2252

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities 

200 Piedmont Avenue SE
Suite 426, 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30334

Phone: (404) 657-2126

Georgia Advocacy Office

1 W Ct Square
Suite #625

Decatur, GA 30030

Phone: (404) 885-1234

Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD)

Rivers Crossing, 850 College Station Rd, Athens, GA 30605

Phone: (706) 542-3457

The Arc of the United States

2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006

Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD)

140 Decatur Street SE
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone: (404) 413-1289

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